Self Care: Physical, Mental, Emotional & Social

   I’m sure that the most of you have heard the term self-care. In fact, many of you are probably into this concept and practice it on daily basis. Still, many others neglect one or several aspects of their health that greatly affect their total quality of life. In this article, we will discuss all four aspects: physical, mental, emotional and social self-care as well as certain lifestyle habits to include in your routine that will help you stay healthy and happy.
  We are humans. Our physical, mental, and emotional well-being is essential and we shouldn’t put it on the backburner and allow anything – be it lack of time, money, or priorities – go to waste.  Being passionate about self-care shouldn’t be a luxury, but rather a necessity for your health and wellbeing in all aspects. If one aspect is out of balance, it can affect the others. If you're not taking care of yourself physically, you might not be able to enjoy the activities you want to do. If you're not taking care of yourself emotionally, you might feel overwhelmed and stressed out.


  Physical self-care involves the body, mind, and spirit. It is the practice of taking care of yourself in a holistic manner. Physical self-care is necessary to support your mental well-being. In order for you to be at your best, you must practice physical self-care. Treating your body well is essential to supporting your emotional health and mental clarity.

  In order to give up an addiction or destructive habit, you must be able to use self-care as a coping mechanism. When you are in crisis and need support, physical self-care will help keep you grounded and focused so that you can handle the situation in a healthy way. Taking time for physical self-care allows you to look inward and explore what it is that inspires you and brings joy into your life. When you are physically well, it is easier to maintain emotional balance and peace of mind.

  Also, when you take actions that support your physical health, they will often lead to greater emotional health as well. Regular exercise can improve your mood; healthy eating habits can nourish your body and increase energy; meditation allows you to slow down and refocus on what matters most in life; etc…Physical self-care can also help with stress management by giving you time away from work.


  It's hard to stay healthy at all let alone take care of your mental health. I have struggled with mental illness for years and the one thing that has helped me the most is self care. When I take time for myself to do things that make me feel good, it helps to protect my mental health and fight depression. My definition of self care includes anything you do to help yourself feel happy, calm, loved, or any other positive feeling.

  These activities don't have to be extravagant or expensive either. Self care can be as simple as listening to a podcast, reading a book, learning a new skill, or something as simple as practicing mindfulness.

  This doesn't mean that self care is all fun and games though. Not every activity is going to make you feel great immediately and that's normal. In fact, many of these activities can be difficult so they are more effective because they challenge you to push through your negative feelings. However, over time these activities can help you to create new feelings of happiness and peace which will help you take better care of yourself overall.


 What is emotional self care?

  Emotional self care is being attentive to your own feelings and needs and learning to balance them with the needs of other people in your life. When you learn the skills of emotional self care, you will no longer feel like you have to give more than you receive in any area of your life. You will find it easier to set boundaries with others who might be taking too much from you, and you will feel better about yourself as well.

How does emotional self care benefit me?

  When we know how to take care of ourselves, we are able to live happier lives. When we are happy, we tend to do better work, be more productive and be more effective at our jobs. In addition, when we take care of ourselves emotionally, we can create healthy relationships with others who appreciate us for who we are as individuals. Our relationships are no longer based on how much or how little we give but rather on mutual respect for one another's needs.

  There are many different aspects of emotional self-care, including: Meditation, journaling, visualization, practicing gratitude, stress reduction, etc.


  Tending to your relationships and putting yourself out there can be scary and feel awkward, but it’s also incredibly important for your mental health. Think of this as tending to your "social muscles" or self-nurturing. We all know that exercise is good for our physical health (and scientifically speaking, it can even alter the structure of our brains).

  But what about the ways we exercise our minds? Do you have some people in your life that you can turn to when you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed? Are there people who will listen to you and not judge you? Do you have a support system in place that can help carry some of the weight when life gets tough? It is important to have someone who you can trust and talk with openly. This could be a friend, family member, or therapist. This person should be compassionate and nonjudgmental.

  Social Self-Care is a concept that has been around for a long time. It could be seen as the innate need that we have to connect with others and share our thoughts and emotions. It's been said that having good friends can help us live longer, happier lives. Connecting with family is also known to lower stress levels while increasing happiness. Even spending time with pets can help reduce stress and improve moods. When we are at our best, we are much more likely to share our thoughts, views, and feelings in an open way that benefits others and ourselves. We tend to want to help people out rather than put them down or insult them.

  In short, social self-care helps us feel like the best version of ourselves. It's easy for us to get wrapped up in the stressful parts of life and forget about taking care of what really matters most - our relationships and our health. For example: When you're feeling stressed or upset, it's easy to lash out at your friends or loved ones without even realizing it. It's especially important to be mindful during these times.

  People with heightened anxiety levels may find social situations difficult because they fear being judged by other people or not knowing what to say. It may also help to engage in self care by practicing relaxing hobbies or meditating before heading out for an event. By relaxing your body and mind, you'll have more energy and attention to devote to having fun at the event instead of worrying about how others perceive you or feeling uncomfortable because you don't know what to say.


  Trying to juggle all these aspects at once can be a challenge, so it's best to focus on one or two areas at a time just to get them under control before moving on to other areas. Once you've worked on your physical health, try improving your mental health or social circle and so on. The most important thing is to start now with whatever areas need improvement so you can continue improving in the future.

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